Shorts: Camera as Witness

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When the immense power of the state is used against citizens, what role does the camera play? These three films, from Afghanistan, USA and Ukraine, offer an array of possibilities. Is it a forensic tool or strategic weapon, an unreliable witness, a prosecutor or a provocateur?

The Takeover
Anders Hammer / Afghanistan, Norway, USA / 2023 / 35 / World Premiere
Filmed in 2021 and 2022, as the Taliban retake control of Afghanistan, this film documents the country’s rapid transformation and the women who refuse to lose their rights.

Bill Morrison / USA / 2023 / 29 / UK Premiere
Chicago, 2018. A man is shot dead in the street by the police. Playing out in real-time, Incident reconstructs this traumatic event from a variety of synchronised viewpoints.

Chornobyl 22
Чорнобиль 22
Oleksiy Radynski / Ukraine / 2023 / 20 / UK Premiere
During the Russian occupation of the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone in early 2022, an anonymous local informant clandestinely films the movement of Russian military vehicles.


In this show

Film Intro
5 mins
The Takeover
35 mins
More Info
29 mins
More Info
Chornobyl 22
20 mins
More Info
Film Q&A
30 mins

Book Tickets

Shorts: Camera as Witness + Q&A
Curzon - Screen 2
Q&A with the director Anders Hammer. Moderated by Jamie Allan.
Shorts: Camera as Witness + Q&A
Showroom - Screen 1
Q&A with director Anders Hammer. Moderated by Rachel Pronger

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