The Invention of the Other

Invenção do Outro

The Invention of the Other_still 1.jpg
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A record of an attempt to contact the Korubo, a remote indigenous tribe that occupies territory deep inside the Amazonian rainforest.
Director Bruno Jorge (Piripkura) accompanies an expedition that will try to contact the Korubo, an isolated indigenous group that lives near the border of Brazil, Peru and Colombia. Extending far beyond the conventions of pure ethnographic cinema, Jorge records officials making real, human connection with the group. The mission is an acknowledgement that the jungle no longer presents the greatest danger to the people. Poaching, illicit logging and oil smuggling have become so all-pervasive in the region that coercion, murder and forced disappearances will likely be a very real threat to the Korubo. Jorge’s film is both a wondrous record of contact with a society that has lived far from the reaches of modern life, and a bleak reminder of the voraciousness of our world.

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The Invention of the Other + Q&A
Showroom - Screen 1
Q&A with director Bruno Jorge. Moderated by Amanda Daud
The Invention of the Other + Q&A
Curzon - Screen 2
Q&A with director Bruno Jorge. Moderated by Maxine Trump
The Invention of the Other (DocFest Online)
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Online Screening

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