Channel 4 Interview: Anna Hall

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The Leeds-based, award-winning filmmaker and Creative Director of Candour Productions discusses her wide-ranging career as a filmmaker and producer, from Edge of the City, Catching A Killer to The Push.

Join us for an exclusive interview with Anna Hall, an award-winning filmmaker who’s been making films for 30 years. She's the sole woman nominated consecutively for the BAFTA Craft Best Factual Director and was awarded the BBC Grierson Trustees’ Award 2023 and Best Producer at the WFTV Awards 2021. Renowned for her 17-year enquiry into gang grooming where she broke the CSE story in 2004 with her debut doc Edge of the City for Channel 4. Since then, her diverse portfolio spans from The Family Secret to A Day in a Life of Coronavirus Britain, and her recent work includes BAFTA-winning Libby, are you home yet and the recent smash hit The Push. Anna continues to make impactful contributions to the industry and envisions her company Candour as a haven for northern filmmakers.

Content Guidance: This session contains discussions on violence, child exploitation and sexual abuse.

Chair: Siobhan Sinnerton (Executive Producer, Hidden Light)

Supported by Channel 4

In this show

75 mins

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Channel 4 Interview: Anna Hall
Crucible Playhouse
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