Cold and Dark
Zima a Tma
Peter Hošták / Slovakia, Canada / 2023 / 29 / World Premiere
A group of loggers and their horse embark on a delirious journey to gather firewood deep in the Slovakian mountains.
Misho Antadze / Netherlands / 2023 / 12 / World Premiere
Machines milk cows and robots serve diners. In this quiet observation on the mechanisation of labour, humans feel increasingly irrelevant. Empathy passes to the machines.
A Maiden Sings
Canta una doncella
Max Torrés Altés / Spain / 2023 / 24 / International Premiere
After a lifetime of service to one household, a maid finds herself replaced. At 87, she starts to question her role in the family.
تاش -Dartaş
Xelîl Sehragerd / Kurdistan / 2023 / 14 / European Premiere
With tireless dedication, an old Kurdish carpenter collects wood to make artificial legs for victims of landmine explosions.