A Complaint of Rape

The Complaint of Rape.jpeg
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In this landmark episode, from the 1982 BBC fly-on-the-wall series Police, officers were filmed aggressively questioning a woman about her allegation of rape.

A Complaint of Rape made news around the world and inspired then British Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher, to question the procedure as well as the attitude of those involved. The woman was asked deeply inappropriate personal questions about her sex life, menstruation and her mental health. The officers dismissed her claims and told her directly that they didn’t believe her. The film instigated a public outcry and as Graef noted on BBC Radio 4’s Front Row in 2014, the ‘film came after three very controversial rape cases the week before and the police quietly changed the way they handled rape.’

Content Guidance: The film contains discussions on sexual abuse. There will be help on offer in case anyone viewing the documentary is affected by it.

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A Tribute to Roger Graef
Curzon - Screen 1

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