Our DocHost initiative invites local residents to host filmmakers and artists who are attending the Festival, giving them a warm, friendly Yorkshire welcome and accommodation in their home between 23 - 28 June 2022.
Sheffield residents play a key role in representing the Festival and welcoming international guests to our city, making Sheffield a place in the heart of many. In exchange for joining the DocHost programme and offering your hospitality DocFest offers you two DocLover wristbands, each wristband gives you access to 10 films.
The DocHost initiative means that we pair you with one of our filmmakers on a first - come, first - serve basis. Your participation in this initiative will help emerging makers and artists who are not currently earning above the UK Living Wage (£11.05 per hour in London, £9.90 elsewhere) or travelling from across the world. We are offering the DocHost initiative as a service to pair you with one of our DocHosts on a first-come, first-serve basis.
How to get involved
If you live in the Sheffield area and want to take part in the DocHost initiative, you’ll need:
- To live within 5 miles of Sheffield’s Train Station;
- A spare, self-contained bedroom for your guest;
- A willingness to be a friendly host to a filmmaker/artist between 23 - 28 June
To apply to host a filmmaker or artist, click here. Applications close 27 May 2022.
Filmmakers and Artists
If you're a documentary filmmaker or artist currently earning less than the UK Living Wage for your city of residence or travelling to Sheffield internationally, you can apply to be connected with a Sheffield local offering a room and some Yorkshire hospitality. After application and confirmed pass registration, DocFest will connect you with a DocHost. It is the filmmaker’s responsibility to decide if the potential host is the right fit for them and to organise the logistics for their stay after we have connected you.
Please note: Sheffield DocFest has not visited any of the homes on our list and takes no responsibility for the state of the accommodation offered. Potential hosts are connected on a first-come-first-served basis.
Those who use DocHost will need to register for an Industry Pass to take part in DocHost and attend the Festival.
To apply for a spot, click here. Applications close 27 May 2022.
Need more info?
Please contact our Hospitality team at dochost@sheffdocfest.com.
Or give us a call on +44 (0) 114 276 5141 if you have any queries.