Focus: Filmmaker Talent

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Our Guest Curator, Asif Kapadia, working with the DocFest team, is inviting six filmmakers to make a short documentary, in and around Sheffield, during the Festival.

This talent initiative finds it origins in a creative challenge that Asif undertook early in his career. Having made award-winning short films, he found the experience of being ‘commissioned’ exciting and creatively liberating. The energy of making something on the fly during a film festival, with no creative constraints, on a tight budget and with the only limitation being the deadline, gave him the opportunity to play and experiment. He also met some great people – and had fun – whilst doing it. All filming is to be undertaken in a single day and the final work will be screened on the last day of Sheffield DocFest.

With the support of Amazon Studios, Canon and The Kurious.

In this show

5 mins
Short films presentation
85 mins

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Focus: Filmmaker Talent
Showroom - Channel 5 Screen 2

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